Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Hiral Patel Essays (795 words) - Discrimination, Demography

Hiral Patel Essays (795 words) - Discrimination, Demography Hiral Patel December 1, 2014 SOC 224 ONLN Self-Assessment Analysis Social science is the investigation of human connections in the general public. The essential humanism course acquaints with the social universe of social orders. It causes understudies to think and to accept that everything is impacted by the social orders that they live in. The manner in which individuals are treated busy working and in social orders decides their position and spot in the public eye. Human science 101 was an energizing and proficient course that empowered intuition past what is given to you. Never did I understand that ordinary choices and exercises added to connections and the world itself. I find that human science is the main field of study that breaks down and clarifies the issues in our lives and our networks. It clarifies the social reasons for racial and sexual orientation personality. It assists with looking at assorted variety in universities and how significant movements can be for foreigners looking for better lives. Being an understudy, decent variety in schools was the subject that grabbed my eye the most. Assorted variety is significant in universities since it causes understudies figure out how to help and acknowledge different understudies of various races. Decent variety advances balance in schools and is additionally a reward for the economic wellbeing of the United States on the grounds that advancing assorted variety will show different nations and individuals how the nation treats everybody with fairness. This draws in others from everywhere throughout the world to come and take a risk in the United States. In the United States, we see individuals of all foundations making their very own existence. Many come looking for the American Dream while others come getting away from their previous lifestyles. US offers each and everybody the chance to substantiate themselves and work to live better. It doesn't make a difference what shade of skin individuals have. In spite of the fact that there might be a few territories in the United States that despite everything have faith in race and shading, there are still zones where assorted variety is advanced. I didn't understand how significant assorted variety was in schools until this class. I can't overlook the contention gives that were talked about in this class. It isn't only the subject of the papers yet in addition the conversation of the issues itself. After all the understudies transferred their discussion assignments we as a whole needed to post remarks about what we thought of the issues. That was the point at which we confronted the main problems as sociologists. Investigating such issues caused huge numbers of us to understand the debates circumventing the nation right now. As a result of the debate issue, I had the option to understand that in spite of the fact that uniformity is advanced in the United States, there ought to likewise be a restriction. The nation can't have every single gay individuals wed one another and embrace kids since we will set an awful model for individuals in different nations. There is no uncertainty that everybody ought to be dealt with equivalent however having kids experience childhood in gay families is likewise unsatisfactory in light of the fact that then nobody will have confidence in wedding the other gender. Another contention issue that we examined as a class was movement. In spite of the fact that migration laws ought to be kept severe, I found that there ought to be exemptions to workers who have families in the United States that are unwell. On the off chance that somebody is in the clinic or very nearly kicking the bucket, at that point the movement laws should give special cases for in any event seven days to visit the individual. The last dubious issue that was talked about was that assorted variety should matter in schools. There is no point of having various universities if there are similar individuals everywhere throughout the grounds. What might be the purpose of having quarters then when individuals can concentrate from their room with similar individuals. Understudies go to schools in order to construct their qualities and to fortify their shortcomings. These dubious issues will be valu able to me in my future vocation and instructive objectives. Gay rights, migration laws, and decent variety all assume significant jobs in human science, which is the reason they were disputable issues being talked about in my group. They will be helpful to me later on in light of the fact that these are issues that surface anytime in my life. These themes are the most talked about subjects in our social orders today. Movement

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ap World History Units 1-3 Study Guide

Unit One 1. Outcomes of the Neolithic Revolution didn’t includeEnd of chasing gathering societies2. Most researchers accept that, during the Paleolithic Age, social association was described byA unpleasant social equality3. The most punctual metal worked foundationally by people areCopper4. The spread of the Bantu-talking people groups over southern Africa can be best clarified by theirKnowledge of agriculture5. Attributes of complex civilizationsSpecialization of laborTrade and social diffusionWritten languagesComplex political request and power6. Proof demonstrates that the MesopotamiansTraded widely with people groups as distant as Anatolia, Egypt, and India7. Significant impact of Neolithic RevolutionThe foundation of inactive town communities8. Conditions for ladies in MesopotamiaGrew progressively more awful over time9. The division of the old individuals into social and sexual orientation orders was first made conceivable byRise in agrarian production10. Moral monotheism was the convention of theHebrews11. Hammurabi’s code depended on the idea of â€Å"lex talionis† yet the disciplines were molded byThe social remaining of the accused2. The Hittites who were the most persuasive old Indo-European transients into southwest Asia are credited forHorse-drawn chariotsMetallurgyMigrating from southern RussiaDefeating the Babylonians13. The general public who started the custom of treating to safeguard the body for its life after deathEgypt14. Which metal was generally significant in changing horticultural social orders into enormous urban civilizations?Iron15. In which society did ladies appreciate the most opportunity and opportunity?Egypt16. In clans which, as right on time as 3000 BCE, spread their language and rural procedures all through Africa were theBantu17. The Chinese way of thinking that advanced exacting social and political control was* Legalism18. Social differentiations in Early River Valley human advancements were* Less articulated t han in Neolithic19. By spreading their language over a gigantic stretch of Africa, the Bantu assumed a job like that played by* Indo-Europeans20. The Bantu presumably started their movements on the grounds that of* Population pressures21. A great part of the early Harappan history stays a riddle because* The archeological remains are under water22. The greatest military preferences of the Indo-Europeans was* Their horses23. The vast majority of our data about the early Aryans originates from the* Vedas24. Right groupings of early social orders and their rivers* Mesopotamia †Tigris and Euphrates; Egypt †Nile; Harappan †Indus; China †Huang He25. Harappan society* Most of their homes highlighted private showers and toilets* They exchanged widely with the Mesopotamians* They had social distinctionsThey delivered illustrative workmanship 26. Gathering that held substantially more effect on family structure in China than in other early civilizations* The all-encompassing family27. The Chinese idea of the â€Å"Mandate of Heaven† was some of the time used to justify* Rebellion28. Early China delighted in enduring direct significant distance exchange with* None29. Custom phlebotomy was urgent to Maya ceremonies because* It was related with downpour and agriculture30. The most trademark imaginative production of the Olmecs were* Colossal human heads etched with basalt31. The Aryans influenced the Indian sub-landmass by A typical composed language* Adding race to the position system* Establishing the Silk Road trade* Advanced utilization of technology32. Which of the accompanying numerical ideas, fundamental for positional documentation and the control of enormous numbers, was concocted by Mayan mathematicians?* Zero33. A definitive wellspring of riches in any horticultural society is* Land34. This entry from the U panishads clarify what Hindu idea? â€Å"According as a man demonstrations and strolls in the way of life, so he becomes. He that does great turns out to be acceptable; he that does detestable gets insidious. †* Karma35. Which early Mesopotamian ruler accepted that the divine beings had decided to â€Å"promote the government assistance of the people†¦ (and) to make equity win in the land†?* Hammurabi36. During the hour of the Aryans the Indian political scene was described by* A progression of little kingdoms37. Commitments of the River Valley Civilizations* Metallurgy in agribusiness, government assistance and art* The wagon wheel* Written types of communication* The schedule and the 60-second minute38. What two River Valley developments are generally similar to the extent their utilization of regionalism and the decentralization of political power?* Olmec and Chavin39. Confucian social order* Loyalty to the ruler* Filial dutifulness to one’s father* Resp ect of more youthful sibling to more seasoned brother* Respect of spouse to wife40. Ladies were significant supporters of the farming upset since they were likely the* Gender who assembled consumable plants and became different grains41. Shang and Zhou China started the â€Å"Mandate of Heaven† primarily* As an approach to exhibit the godlikeness of the emperor42. The administration structures of early Mesopotamia and Egypt* In the two human advancements power was packed in the hands of a ruler who was viewed as a god43. The Chinese duplicated their chariots from* The steppe nomads44. The Period of Warring States alludes to the * Chaotic a centuries ago of the Zhou line 45. The early Chinese transported materials and metal merchandise to the predecessors of the Turks and Mongols in the steppes and got what in return?* Horses46. Which of coming up next is a key philosophical and strict component of Daoism?* Emphasis on agreement between humanity47. Which of the accompanying depicts the significant impact of Bantu migrations?* Cultural shared characteristics in sub-Saharan Africa48. Confucius contended that* Educations is basic to turning into a refined gentleman49. The gadget the antiquated Olmec work so as to trap residue helped by the various waterways going through the Mesoamerican lowlands* Terraces50. The best possible request through and through of the first Aryan station system?* Priests, warriors, ranchers/dealers, workers, dirtied laborers51. One key job of the rank framework which was not normal for different frameworks of social disparity in the old world was that the standing system* Served to keep up request and solidness as political fr ameworks did in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China52. What reason do researchers accept paleolithic Venus puppets served? The puppets mirror a profound enthusiasm for ripeness important for the age of the new life 53. A key geographic distinction between antiquated Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Harappan, and Chinese society was thatEgypt and China were progressively disengaged and in this manner secured by their condition than there were the Mesopotamians or Harappans54. Olmec and Mesopotamian political customs are a model of* Decentralized monarchy55. In light of the gigantic size of the Zhou express, its sovereigns were constrained to* Institute a primitive arrangement of the governmentUnit Two1. A significant purpose behind the fall of the Roman, Han, and Gupta domains was * Intensified intrusions and security issues along their boondocks 2. Prior to 500 C. E. Judaism and Hinduism were comparative in that both * Had composed sacred writings and a moral code to live by 3. In sorting out their realm, Persian rulers depended intensely on strategies of organization from the * Mesopotamians 4. The Medes and Persians were initially * Indo-European clans 5. The great Persian legislative methodology was * An edified an open minded one 6. The Persian legitimate code was intended to * Codify laws of the subject people groups 7. The focal point of the Persian interchanges arrange was * The Royal Road 8. Essential precepts of Zoroastrianism that affected later religions * The confidence in paradise and hellfire * The consolation of high good gauges * The regulation that people will experience a last judgment * The conviction that every individual assumes a key job in deciding their profound fate 9. The Qin and Han lines * Went farther than the Persian sovereigns in their endeavors to cultivate social solidarity 10. Confucian terms * Ren †altruism * Xiao †dutiful devotion * Dao †way * Junzi †prevalent people 11. The way of thinking that reprimanded the social activism, and rather, proposed an existence of reflection and contemplation was * Daoism 12. What was the school of philosophical idea that returned request to China after the Period of Warring States? * Legalism 13. Qin Shihuangdi’s most significant add to China was * Establishing a point of reference for unified majestic standard 14. The Han theory of rule was * A commitment of Qin approaches of centralizations 15. In 124 B. C. E. , Han Wudi changed China by * Establishing a royal college 16. Which mainstream treatise accentuated quietude, compliance, acquiescence, and dedication to their spouses as the temperances generally fitting for ladies? * Admonitions for Women 17. As the Han administration turned out to be all the more remarkable and well off, * The hole among rich and poor became perilously huge 18. The Indian political scene changed drastically in 520 B. C. E. at the point when new authoritative methods were presented after the attack of the * Persians 19. The stone and column decrees were given by Ashoka 20. One of the greatest money related issues of the later Mauryan period was the ruler’s choice to * Debase the cash 21. Strategically, the Guptas * Left neighborhood government and organization in the hands of their partners 22. The achievement and timing of exchange, through the Indian Ocean bowl, to a great extent relied upon * Understanding the rhythms of the storm winds 23. Probably the greatest change of the position framework during this period was * The ascent of organizations, which basically filled in as jati 24. The best social commitment of the Jains was The way that they didn't perceive social orders dependent on station 25. At the point when Krishna tells Arjuna, in the Bhagavad Gita, â€Å"Having respects to your own obligation, you should not to waver, for there is nothing be

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

A Guide to Choosing a Location for Your Startup

A Guide to Choosing a Location for Your Startup WHY IS LOCATION SO IMPORTANT?Access to fundingStart with the money. Location is important to give you a close proximity to potential investors and mentors. While it is possible to secure investors who are not near your business, it is easier to find people who are familiar with the area or market and who can see firsthand what your business will be doing. In addition, your location will determine the network that your company establishes. By joining a network of similar businesses, you can take advantage of training and support that your new company will need.Tax and legal incentivesLocation can also determine the legal and financial impact on your new business. Government incentives are often based on businesses established within certain geographical lines. Income and sales taxes are also affected by the location you choose for your business. It is wise to check the areas around where you wish to start your company. Would crossing over a state line make better financial sense?Offic e costsThe expenses associated with setting up your office can also be determined by location. Are you affected by zoning requirements? Does your office need space to allow for expansion? Are rents higher in different areas? Will you have access to the resources that you need for your business? What are the specific needs that your company will have? Does the area you are looking at meet those needs, or would it be cost effective to transport the materials you need to your startup area?Staffing needsConsidering future staffing needs is important when determining your business location. Does the area you chose have the human resource to meet your staffing needs? How accessible is your location to transportation? Establishing a company that you cannot adequately staff is counterproductive to your future success. Make sure that there is enough labor available for the type of business that you are starting. If you are involved in a startup that requires highly intensive and detailed wor k, most likely you would not want to start your business in a rural community. Investigate the available labor pool in your chosen area.Quality of lifeThe quality of life in the area you have chosen is equally as important. While business owners would like to think that their company is attraction enough to draw someone to a town, the reality is that people have a life outside of work. The area that a company is established in can be either a help or a hindrance â€" attracting quality employees is easier when the area you are doing business in has a high quality of life.Access to incubator programsAs a startup, it can be difficult to navigate the minefield of regulations, startup costs, advertising, as well as all of the other details included in simply running your business. Locating your company in an area that is rich with incubator programs for startups will assist you in making sure you have the resources you need to be a success. The sad reality is that most startups fail with in the first few years of business â€" not because of their product or service, but because of poor management. Establishing your company in an area that has all of the things you will need can help you begin your road to success.Global Technology Trends Startup Hubs 2014[slideshare id=30292475doc=globaltrendsstartuphubs2014-140122040200-phpapp02w=710h=400]LOCATIONS CONSIDERED IDEAL FOR STARTUPS An entrepreneur has many concerns: funding, staffing, developing a marketing strategy and ensuring that they have a viable product or service. Before beginning the process of starting a business, however, there is one important decision that must be made: where to start the business. The adage “Location, location, location” has merit, not only for real estate, but for a successful business venture. A variety of features will affect what makes a location suitable or not suitable for a business, and the wise entrepreneur will examine those features carefully before deciding to move forward with a venture. Many times, the location of the company is decided based on what is good sense for the entrepreneur, with little thought or regard paid to the location of the company. While it is nice to think, “If I build it, they will come!”, the reality is that the company that uses the motto, “If I build it where they are, they’ll come” may, in the end, be more successful. © | Syda ProductionsIn this article, we look at, 1) why location is important, and 2) the best places for startups across the world.WHY IS LOCATION SO IMPORTANT?Access to fundingStart with the money. Location is important to give you a close proximity to potential investors and mentors. While it is possible to secure investors who are not near your business, it is easier to find people who are familiar with the area or market and who can see firsthand what your business will be doing. In addition, your location will determine the network that your company establishes. By joining a network of similar businesses, you can take advantage of training and support that your new company will need.Tax and legal incentivesLocation can also determine the legal and financial impact on your new business. Government incentives are often based on businesses established within certain geographical lines. Income and sales taxes are also affected by the location you choose for your b usiness. It is wise to check the areas around where you wish to start your company. Would crossing over a state line make better financial sense?Office costsThe expenses associated with setting up your office can also be determined by location. Are you affected by zoning requirements? Does your office need space to allow for expansion? Are rents higher in different areas? Will you have access to the resources that you need for your business? What are the specific needs that your company will have? Does the area you are looking at meet those needs, or would it be cost effective to transport the materials you need to your startup area?Staffing needsConsidering future staffing needs is important when determining your business location. Does the area you chose have the human resource to meet your staffing needs? How accessible is your location to transportation? Establishing a company that you cannot adequately staff is counterproductive to your future success. Make sure that there is e nough labor available for the type of business that you are starting. If you are involved in a startup that requires highly intensive and detailed work, most likely you would not want to start your business in a rural community. Investigate the available labor pool in your chosen area.Quality of lifeThe quality of life in the area you have chosen is equally as important. While business owners would like to think that their company is attraction enough to draw someone to a town, the reality is that people have a life outside of work. The area that a company is established in can be either a help or a hindrance â€" attracting quality employees is easier when the area you are doing business in has a high quality of life.Access to incubator programsAs a startup, it can be difficult to navigate the minefield of regulations, startup costs, advertising, as well as all of the other details included in simply running your business. Locating your company in an area that is rich with incubator programs for startups will assist you in making sure you have the resources you need to be a success. The sad reality is that most startups fail within the first few years of business â€" not because of their product or service, but because of poor management. Establishing your company in an area that has all of the things you will need can help you begin your road to success.Global Technology Trends Startup Hubs 2014[slideshare id=30292475doc=globaltrendsstartuphubs2014-140122040200-phpapp02w=710h=400]LOCATIONS CONSIDERED IDEAL FOR STARTUPS1. Silicon Valley, California, USAThis San Jose, California area is prime location for startups of all stages. In sheer numbers, Silicon Valley raises more capital than any other area. It is home to more entrepreneurs who start multiple companies than other locations and is considered the premier startup location for businesses. Boasting the temperate California climate, this coastal state is a magnet for people, creating a workforce that is ri ch in available labor.Some of the largest and most recognizable companies in the world are based in the Silicon Valley area: Netflix, Apple, Inc, eBay and Twitter, to name a few. Tesla Motors and LinkedIn both claim Silicon Valley as their home as well, giving the area a wide range of versatility.2. Tel Aviv, IsraelThis tiny area is home to more tech startups than anywhere else in the world. Surprisingly, there have been more Israeli companies on the NASDAQ than the combined number from Europe, India, China and Japan. While they seem to be falling behind in using newer technologies, they are still a powerhouse and will remain a world leader in the area of tech startups.Most notable in the list of companies that base their organizations out of Israel is Water-Gen. Designed specifically for military applications, this startup offers a water maker to let soldiers produce water â€" no matter where they are. Wix is another startup that has people talking all over the world. The web desig n software gives users a drag and drop tool to build websites and develop an ecommerce site. They raised over $127 million when they went public â€" one of the highest Israeli public offerings in years.3. Los Angeles, California, USAKnown for its glitzy lifestyle, the buzzing community of LA is also home to some of the largest number of angel investors and Internet based businesses. The investors of LA tend to be more practical â€" they are generally active in a field before becoming an investor or a startup in the industry. A diverse number of companies call Los Angeles home, and it is the starting place for some of the most recognizable names in the world, particularly in the entertainment industry. A few of the other places that got their start in LA? Office supply giant Avery Dennison, Budget RentaCar, Harbor Freight, and Netter Digital.4. Seattle, Washington, USAIf you are searching for a location to start a tech company the northwest corner of the United States is home to Seat tle â€" an area that has perfected the art of raising capital. It has a tendency to be a slow adopter of new technology, but still has an established reputation as being a viable market for new tech companies. Choosing Seattle as your startup’s location puts you in good company: Boeing Aerospace, Starbucks, Zillow, and Costco all hail from the rainy northwest.5. New York City, New York, USAFamous for shopping and dining, as well as being a global finance market, New York City also ranks high for female entrepreneurs who are looking for a startup market. Interestingly, there are fewer mentors available there, so while you may find the money, it may be more difficult to navigate the tricky road to startup success. What companies have turned to the Big Apple to pursue their entrepreneur dreams? Avon, Coach, Dick’s Sporting Goods and Estee Lauder all call New York home. (Did you notice that 3 out of the four companies listed were started by females? No? Go ahead and guess. We’ll w ait.)6. Boston, Massachusetts, USALong hailed as a bastion of higher education, it may surprise you to know that Boston is a favorite market for startups as well. Statistically, more entrepreneurs in Boston have a PhD than in Silicon Valley. Boston boasts of a market rich in highly educated employable people. When considering a startup in a market that requires personnel who are highly trained and prepared for exacting work, Boston has a field rich in available labor. Startups that have made Boston their headquarters include Facebook and Vee24. With a wide cultural availability, there are many features that draw people to Boston and make it an attractive place to live and work. Baskin Robbins, Filene’s Basement, Genzyme, and Vertex Pharmaceuticals have all enjoyed the cultural climate of Boston, and have spread their influence to the world.7. London, EnglandThe leader in European tech market startups is found in England. With a significantly smaller number of startups than the out put of the United States leader, Silicon Valley, London has plenty of room to grow, but still leads Europe. Home to, Thread, TransferWise and a multitude of other companies, the opportunities for both investors and entrepreneurs are plentiful. While some of the startups are geared towards the European market, many of the companies are beginning to extend their reach abroad to the United States and across the globe. The London scene has watched some exciting companies spread their wings under the watchful eye of Big Ben: Llustre, an e-commerce site designed for home design fanatics, this site offered low pricing of exclusive and limited edition items for the home. GlaxoSmithKline can claim the London skyline as their home as well.Londons Tech City Compared To Startup Hubs Around The World 8. Toronto, CanadaCanada’s answer to Silicon Valley is found in Toronto. This tech market is an early adopter of new technology, has a workforce bursting with ambition and is loaded with mentor support for startups. The downside of Toronto’s market is their overwhelming dependence on outsourcing their labor and the fewer people they employ per development stage. The far north was the beginning for Citibank, SMTC, TD Canada Trust and more. Diversifying their startup field, they have added film companies to their collection of startups with Impulse Film Production as one of their more recent additions.9. Vancouver, CanadaMobile enterprises are a favorite among Vancouver’s startup financiers, which is appropriate with their tendency to favor niche markets. However, similar to Toronto, they are lacking in funding for the later stages of a startup which hurts their overall attraction to new startups. 1-800-GotJunk, Bryght Services and LionsGate Entertainment are examples of the companies that found their start in Vancouver.10. Chicago, Illinois, USAHome to Groupon, the cost-saving website powered by group purchasing, Chicago recently saw the number of startups in their city double. Rich in mentor support but lacking in funding and talent, the city has the potential to develop into a hot spot for startups. They need to focus on attracting investors as well as entrepreneurs. The cultural aspects of Chicago make it an attractive place to live, which should help with drawing people to move there. Crate and Barrel, Google Affiliate Network, LandsEnd, Motorola and SSA Global Technologies are all based in the windy city.1871 Chicagos Digital Startup Hub 11. Berlin, GermanyThis capital city is beginning to boom as a startup city â€"and is attracting global attention for affordable rents, talented workforce and invigorating social climate. More and more companies are not only recognizing the attraction of this European city, but startups are popping up all over the city. Angel funding and seed funding is readily available, and other nations are beginning to realize the viability of investing in Berlin startups. Gidsy, the online based service whe re you can sell your expertise on any subject makes its home in Berlin, as well as EyeEm â€" the mobile camera photosharing service. SoundCloud â€" the so-called poster child of Berlin startups â€" is considered the biggest streaming site in the world, proving that startups in Berlin can not only succeed, but can even turn a profit.12. Barcelona, SpainWhen you think about Barcelona, you may think about the Olympics (held there in 1992), the beaches, and music festivals…anything but business startups. But this Spanish city is a fascinating mix of creative inspiration, profitable business opportunities and an engaging lifestyle that makes it extremely attractive to startup founders.  With a subtropical Mediterranean climate, an international airport and affordable office space, it is a draw for talented people who are looking to make a name for themselves in the booming startup market. A few of the hottest startups to come out of Barcelona? ReviewPro â€" This aggregate review site combs the internet for information about hotels and then analyzes the information for a social networking based view of the hotel’s features and accommodations. BMAT (Barcelona Music and Audio Technologies) developed software that can interpret music based on vocal range and expression.For an  entrepreneur, it can be nerve wracking attempting to maneuver through the world of starting a company. The nitty-gritty details of the company can get lost in the process of trying to do the work that you want to bring to the world, while trying to do the necessary things to get a company started. Balancing that workload, the startup can flounder and ultimately fail with the entrepreneur does not do adequate research before beginning the company. Location is one of the pivotal points of consideration, and can affect almost every aspect of the company. Taking the time to investigate multiple locations, even inquiring about finding locations that are more tax friendly or give breaks based on t he demographics of the workforce will save both time and money in the long run.No matter where in the world you are considering your startup, you are bound to be both nervous and anxious. By choosing a location wisely, you eliminate some of the worry that is associated with a new startup. One less thing to worry about is a very good thing indeed.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Why Is This A Big Deal - 2684 Words

President Obama, during his run for President, promised that if he was elected the military policy of â€Å"don’t ask, don’t tell† would be repealed and that homosexuals would be allowed to serve openly in our US military. As we know, Obama was elected and he followed through with his promise as earlier this year the â€Å"don’t ask, don’t tell† was repealed. The purpose of this essay is to answer the question, why is this a big deal? How will it work? How will it be implemented in the military? Over the next few pages I hope to provide you insight into this controversial issue by providing you the background surround the laws covering homosexuals serving in the military, the argument from both sides of the â€Å"don’t ask, don’t tell† repeal, and finally how the implementation will occur in the military and what will be the problems when they finally put the new rules into effect. In order to understand the argume nt surrounding â€Å"don’t ask, don’t tell† it is important to understand the history of the rules and laws concerning homosexual service in our military. Prior to 1993, the US Military did not allow homosexuals to serve. Any person who was suspected of being homosexual was investigated and if it was found to be true, the member was discharged from the military. If a military member admitted to being homosexual they were separated. The policy was strict and very black and white; homosexuality was not allowed in the military. That changed in 1993, when the â€Å"don’t ask,Show MoreRelatedCole Bestgen Professer Triggs Research and Rhetoric Date Father Father, Why is this a big deal. A1200 Words   |  5 PagesCole Bestgen Professer Triggs Research and Rhetoric Date Father Father, Why is this a big deal. 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There are a myriad of factors that contribute to the rise in teen pregnancy in America. The reason why the countrys rates of teen pregnancy are high is that Americans simply do not have a strong social norm that teen pregnancy is not OK. For teens, many blame theRead MoreEssay on Analysis of Article on Teen Pregnancy1691 Words   |  7 Pagesand spermicides. Other contraceptive options include the day after pill, fertility awareness and voluntary surgical sterilization. These are just a few examples of why not getting pregnant should be easier in our time period. 5. There are a myriad of factors that contribute to the rise in teen pregnancy in America. The reason why the countrys rates of teen pregnancy are high is that Americans simply do not have a strong social norm that teen pregnancy is not OK. For teens, many blame theRead MorePresident Roosevelt and the New Deal1454 Words   |  6 Pageselected for his ideas of change through the new deal, and the thought of hope had given to Americans. Roosevelt knew that a change was needed and was willing to go to tremendous measures to try to bring back the American economy, give jobs, and to keep democracy going on strong. In doing so I believe FDR had to compromise within all types of ideas and government parties to succeed and reach his goals of the three R’s, recovery, reform, and relief. The New Deal in order to be made and passed I believe hadRead MoreWhy Do People Think Living in the Past Would Be the Better Way to Live?782 Words   |  4 PagesWhy do people think living in the past would be the better way to live? Many people at some point of their lives come to a conclusion that, life is hard. As people may think living in the present seems to be stressful, hard or depressing, they still think that if they lived in the past, their lives would be so much easier and happier. This is untrue in many different ways. Infact, today has much easier living conditions then back then. With all the stresses the present has, we have many ways to

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Black Death, The Fall Of Constantinople, And The...

History is a series of important battles, wars, dynasties, and rulers that transform the world. Throughout history, there have been many turning points. These turning points have shaped the world, past, present and future. Without certain milestones in history, western civilization would be drastically different. In the end, the Black Death, the Fall of Constantinople, and the invention of the printing press were three of the major turning points in western civilization. The Black Death was one of the major turning points that led to chaos and transformation in the Western world. â€Å"Black Death† was a disease that came from overseas in 1347. When it arrives, the disease attacked an already weakened population. This population had been dealing with famines for years, which left them weak and susceptible to disease. Sailors on trading ships came and docked at the port of Messina. Many civilians were there to greet them, however when the sailors came off the ship, the citizens received a horrifying and shocking surprise. This surprise was the fact that many of the sailors were either dead or gravely ill, having a fever or being unable to eat anything. The strangest symptom/sign was black boils on their bodies that were oozing pus and blood. This disease was devastating for many reasons, one of which was simply because it was contagious and the origin was unknown. It spread like wildfire and caused death within one to three days of contracting. The â€Å"Black Death† followed theShow MoreRelatedThe Transformational Century And Historical Sources And Tools Essay1409 Words   |  6 Pagesthat collectively caused it to be called the transformational century, such as the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the rise of the Byzantine Empire, and the use of guns to fight battles, I believe that the printing press makes a strong statement about the change in society. The reason the printing press stands out is it was a major change to how information was exchanged. Prior to the invention of the printing press, it’s estimated that only about 10% men/1% women were literate (Willis, 2015). HoweverRead MoreA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words   |  209 Pagesthe Wise, king of Castille, and exerted a considerable influence on Western magic thereafter. It is said that much of Ficino’s astrological magic derives from the Picatrix (see I.P.Couliano, Eros and Magic in the Renaissance, University of Chicago Press, 1987, p. 118 ). The Picatrix is mentioned by Johannes Trithemius in Book 2 of his notorious Steganographia (1500) and in his Antipalus Maleficiorum (c. 1500). One copy (British Library, Sloane manuscript 3679) passed down from Simon Forman (d. 1611)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Battle of Algiers Free Essays

The 1996 Gillo Pontecorvo-directed Battle of Algiers movie depicts the struggle between Algerians and French colonialists by recreating occurrences that happened in Algeria’s capital city between 1954 and 1962. Ali La Pointe, a politically-radicalized former prisoner, narrates the film’s story. After serving his prison term, Pointe was engaged by the National Liberation Front (FLN) via El-hadi Jafar – a military commander. We will write a custom essay sample on Battle of Algiers or any similar topic only for you Order Now Due to increased violence, French army paratroopers are introduced to pursue FLN elements. The paratroop leader – Colonel Mathieu, is the movie’s major French character. Petit Omar, Larbi Ben M’hidi, Hassiba, Djamila, and Zohra are other French characters. The FLN-commanded Casbah executes local Algerian offenders plus other traitors and applies violence to trouble civilian French citizens. In turn, the French take up public lynching and arbitrary, racist aggression against local Algerians. Through the movie, Pontecorvo demonstrates that war really disadvantages civilians based on the strategies the two contending sides employ to subdue each other. For example, both the French and the FNL direct their war-oriented frustrations at the hapless locals. On its part, the FLN use the Casbah militant organization to summarily execute alleged traitors, Algerian offenders and to torment French civilians. In return, the French mete out violence on native Algerians by indiscriminately murdering, torturing, and intimidating locals (Chansel 199). Through such events, Pontecorvo shows that war is a very costly phenomenon that harms both non-combatants and combatants. In addition, the Battle of Algiers critiques the domineering stance that western developed countries usually adopt when dealing with their undeveloped counterparts. French paratroopers come in when locals express hostility towards the European settlers. France’s decision to send in paratroopers to help quell the anti-European sentiments in Algeria demonstrates this western self-ascribed supremacy. Other than seek dialogue, the French seek to exterminate the Algerian citizens in their own land. This situation demonstrates utter contempt by the Whites towards the locals (Chansel 199). Works Cited Chansel, Dominique. Europe On-screen: Cinema and the Teaching of History, Volume 2. Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe, 2001. How to cite Battle of Algiers, Papers

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Smartphones So Many Apps, So Much Time free essay sample

According to Nielsen Philippines, the Executive Director Carlo Santos said in a statement that â€Å"The landscape media is exponentially transforming with more consumers that are getting intelligent and sophisticated with how they access the content†. Companies that are seeking to do business with consumers are being urged to recognize this growing trend. He said, â€Å"This opportunity wherein there are more consumers that are connecting to the internet with a long duration, more frequency and through various portable devices, the marketers will have to consider to this opportunity to engage in the evolving consumer.† Because the Filipino users are partial towards the entertainment-oriented activities to their smart phones, Google Play Store is an online marketplace wherein various applications can be found and has the largest percentage to overall among the local users. The Filipinos usually spent 2 minutes per day in using this application. When it comes to the time that is being spent per application, Facebook remains on top with an overall reach of 89% and average usage of 37 minutes a day per smartphone users. We will write a custom essay sample on Smartphones: So Many Apps, So Much Time or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He pointed out that owning a mobile device in the Philippines is being shown that it sustained growth with smartphone reaching 34% in 2014, or over a third of the local population. This doubled to the ownership level that is registered in 2013. While owning the tablet is at 8% in 2014 compared to last year which is 5 %.The availability of more affordable headsets causes the sudden increase of smartphone ownership. Santos said that in the Philippines the available brands in the market are about 50 due to the growing number of local brands as well as to the penetration manufacturer from China and India 33 percent last year to 39 percent in 2014, ages between 16-24 years old continue to own the largest ownership.It also reveals that out of 10 tablet owners, 9 of them can access the internet through a wi-fi connection with the use of their devices at home. Santos also said that the television, tablets, nd smartphones are quickly trespass on the territory because the homes used to be the turf of it. To stay connected to the consumers, TV and the brands that advertise in this medium must beyond traditionally integrated digital strategies and programming.As such, when it comes to smartphones and smart tablets advertising, advertisers must now think differently. The awareness of the brand must entail effective engagement. For consumers to focus their attention to the ad, it must be different to what they usually see. However, brands must think about their digital strategies. Spending more than three (3) hours on their smartphones and smart tablets makes it a good channel to reach consumers because smartphone owners are a captive audience

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Individualism Essays (705 words) - Daisy Miller, Individualism

Individualism Individualism: An American Trait Individualism has always been close and dear to American hearts. Even since colonial days, Americans have fought for and displayed individualism. Americans thrive on their differences and ideals to run their daily lives. The four stories Daisy Miller, Back to Babylon, Invisible Man, and Death of a Salesman display just that. The first story Daisy Miller, by Henry James, is about an American female in European culture. Daisy, as you can see from her name, is a very plain and common girl. There is nothing royal or elite about her. On the other hand, she meets a Swiss man named Winterbourne. As you can tell from his name, he is very pristine and distinguished. This in a sense describes the vast difference in characters that compose America and other countries. The men around Daisy perceived her as a stereotypical American flirt. On Daisy's trip to Italy, she once again meets a man. Apparently, Daisy has an attraction to the foreign folk, this time an Italian chap named Giovanelli. He and Winterbourne constantly are fighting over the courting over Daisy. Finally, Daisy's flirting got the best of her. She contracted Roman fever and passed away. From that point on, men were always in arguments, blaming each other for Daisy's death. This shows how American ideals can effect other societies. Winterbourne, Giovanelli, and others were so enthralled by this American, it ultimately ended up in death. Fitzgerald's Back to Babylon also portrays Americans as different than their European counterparts. This story is about a wealthy American female who is falling for a French playboy. Here, Fitzgerald displays the Americans as individuals who are intrigued by foreigners. Americans have fought for separation for centuries, however ironically we cannot get enough of other countries. In the story, the American and Frenchman get married. They are a perfect match for one another, both drunks and separated from the rest of the world. Their life seems to keep going in the same direction, no where except down. Their drinking habits catch up to them and lose all their money in the great stock market crash. In the end, Fitzgerald shows of money, drugs, and life's individual purposes sometimes get intertwined. Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man depicts an African American salve in the Deep South. Presenting individualism in the Deep South by a black man was totally unheard-of in his days. The black man, Jackson, was very smart. So smart indeed, he received a scholarship for his scholastic achievements. One very hard moment for Jackson was when he was invited to the predominately white grand ball. The ball was put on by whites, for the whites, and to recognize the whites. Jackson swallowed his pride and attended the ball. This showed great individualism from Jackson to step up to society and take one for his people. Authur Miller's classic, Death of a Salesman is very different from the rest of the short stories discussed in this paper. Rather than comparing Americans to each other, Miller contrasts one person throughout time. Willie Loaman was a struggling salesman living in Brooklyn at the end of his career. Willie has a hard time facing with reality and realizes that his time is over. In order for Individualism to be present, a person must be strong-willed and self-sufficient. During his life, Willie has been both of those. However, nowadays he is living his life through his two boys and keeps having flashbacks of when times where better. Loaman was a very proud person. He always would proclaim how much he made a week and how he could sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo. He kept these figures and instances close to his heart and never gave them up. It takes a strong individual to do just that. As you can see from the four stories Daisy Miller, Back to Babylon, Invisible Man, and Death of a Salesman, Individualism can be portrayed and examined numerous ways. It could be described as internal and external, personal or societal. Americans are for surely a different breed. We are unique in the fact that we express our differences and praise them. Individualism is one of the few traits that Americans can call theirs. English Essays

Friday, March 6, 2020

Free Essays on Keats And Shelly

A season of autumn is traditionally associated with dying of nature and expectations of the following winter time. For Romantic poets who are known for their extraordinary sensitivity to natural moods the period of fall becomes a great force for poetic creativity. Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" and John Keats's ode "To Autumn" are two beautiful poems which were blown to their authors by the English autumn. Both poets are influenced by the seasonal process in nature which ushers them into the mood of transience and aging. However, the two of them differently perceive the same natural manifestations. The radical poet Shelley observes the deadly changes in nature caused by the autumnal wind with an expectation for the following spring and revival. In the seasonal process he sees a symbolic prototype for possible revolutionary changes both in his own life and in the existing social structure of his country. His "Ode to the West Wind" primarily appeals to the active sublime power of the west wind to give him that energy which is able to change the world. At the same time, another Romantic poet Keats accepts the idea of aging and accomplishment. In his ode "To Autumn" he celebrates fruitfulness of the autumn and bides farewell to the passing away year and together with it to his great poetry. The Romantic autumnal odes of Shelley and Keats are born from the poetic observations of natural changes and from their ability to penetrate the mood of fall which provides them an incentive for artistic creativity. In "Ode to the West Wind" Shelley mainly concentrates his attention on his observations of the death caused by the autumnal wind. He compares the "dead leaves" to "ghosts", and the "winged seeds" to dead bodies which "lie cold and low... within [their] grave". All these images talk to the author of the "dying year", of transience of time and of ag... Free Essays on Keats And Shelly Free Essays on Keats And Shelly A season of autumn is traditionally associated with dying of nature and expectations of the following winter time. For Romantic poets who are known for their extraordinary sensitivity to natural moods the period of fall becomes a great force for poetic creativity. Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" and John Keats's ode "To Autumn" are two beautiful poems which were blown to their authors by the English autumn. Both poets are influenced by the seasonal process in nature which ushers them into the mood of transience and aging. However, the two of them differently perceive the same natural manifestations. The radical poet Shelley observes the deadly changes in nature caused by the autumnal wind with an expectation for the following spring and revival. In the seasonal process he sees a symbolic prototype for possible revolutionary changes both in his own life and in the existing social structure of his country. His "Ode to the West Wind" primarily appeals to the active sublime power of the west wind to give him that energy which is able to change the world. At the same time, another Romantic poet Keats accepts the idea of aging and accomplishment. In his ode "To Autumn" he celebrates fruitfulness of the autumn and bides farewell to the passing away year and together with it to his great poetry. The Romantic autumnal odes of Shelley and Keats are born from the poetic observations of natural changes and from their ability to penetrate the mood of fall which provides them an incentive for artistic creativity. In "Ode to the West Wind" Shelley mainly concentrates his attention on his observations of the death caused by the autumnal wind. He compares the "dead leaves" to "ghosts", and the "winged seeds" to dead bodies which "lie cold and low... within [their] grave". All these images talk to the author of the "dying year", of transience of time and of ag...

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Source evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Source evaluation - Essay Example It has been known by scientists for a long time that the men have a larger brain that women bringing a whole new arguments: Are women less intelligent? Does the size of the brain really matter? Are there other differences? Due to this, many researches have been carried out to clearly show the difference in their functionality for both genders. Researchers from Harvard in 2001 carried out a research to define the notable difference in the structure of the human male and female species. Surprisingly, they found out that specific parts of the brain were differently sized in in men and women(Tangley 13). Most notably, the frontal lobe, a part used for solving problems and making decisions were larger in the male species while the limbic cortex useful for emotional regulation was larger in women. In addition the amygdala responsible for regulating sexual behaviour and sexual behaviour and parietal cortex which brings about space perception is lager in men (Tangley 19). There are â€Å"approximately 6.5 times grey matter in the male brain but 10times more white matter in women† (Tangley 12). Taking this statistic in mind, men use the grey matter, full of neurons to think while women use the white matter which has more connectors between the neurons (Tangley 07). Consequently, complication in set up of a woman brain due to many connectors not only makes it work efficiently but also faster than a man’s brain (Tangley 15). It is important for women to note that the size issue highlighted in the second paragraph is not really a concern. This is due to the fact that the neurons are tightly packed and closer to each other. This makes the woman’s brain work more efficiently and relatively fast in comparison to the men’s brain (Tangley 12). In addition the white matter combining with the tightly packed neurons facilitates the efficiency of the female brain. In her study on the female brain,psychologist Sandra Witelson found out that the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

National network, local stations- who better serves the listeners Essay

National network, local stations- who better serves the listeners - Essay Example This paper analysis this article highlighting the main points by the author, why the topic is significant and raises several discussion questions for further analysis of this article. The issues raised in article is the failure of advertisements to take into account of the black market segment which as the research has shown have serious implications on success of an organization. There has also been raised the issue of the nature of advertisement. Originally, advertisements were racist as they mainly focused on the white market segment. By doing this, the advertisers locked away a potential market. Considering that the black community is the second largest race in America, failing to incorporate them in a company’s marketing strategy makes the company lose a considerable potential market. The African American would definitely be repulsed by racist advertisement and look for products that are free of this segregation or those which that they can identify with. This topic is significant because today we are living in a highly competitive business climate. Company is looking for areas where they can get a competitive advantage over their rivals. One way of d oing this is increasing their market scope. The black market provides a potential untapped market which when tapped can help a company have considerable growth. The article shows how the local radios had been used by company focusing their products on the black community and they have been successful. The success of a company depended on its ability to expand into new markets and maintaining the existing ones. Getting insight into how other companies has successfully penetrated the ignored black market can help a company expand and grow. Is there a need to adopt the products for this market in terms of differentiation and prices? This is considering the fact that in the contemporary world, people of the black race are not only found in the lower end of earning but they cut across all levels of

Monday, January 27, 2020

The Distribution Channel And Market Analysis Marketing Essay

The Distribution Channel And Market Analysis Marketing Essay The project Study of the distribution channel and market analysis of the of the products distributed and marketed by Keventer Agro under the license of Parle Agro involves the study of the strategies undertaken by Keventer Agro to distribute and market products of Parle Agro which includes HIPPO and BAILEY PACKAGED DRINKING WATER and BAILEY SODA. Keventer Agro: The Company Keventer Agro Limited is a subsidiary of Keventer Group which has been operating years in the Food Processing Industry in India for more than 125 years. Keventer exports Alphonso Mango Pulp, Totapuri Mango Pulp, Guava Pulp, Sweetened Alphonso Mango Pulp, Mango Pickle, Sesame Seed, Cashew Nuts, Peanuts, Cumin Seed, Fennel Seed, Fenugreek, Coriander Seed, Bakery Ingredients, Fruit Jams, Tutti Fruiti, Red Chilies Button Mushrooms etc. to various countries. Keventer Agro Ltd. (KAL) was established in the year 1986. The division exports food products such as Mango Pulp, Guava Pulp, Sesame Seeds, and Bakery Ingredients to various customers across the globe. In no time, it earned the coronet of being the first to introduce aseptic packaging in the beverage category (a high-end packaging procedure that preserved the natural goodness of drinks in hygienic packs). The Group entered into a franchisee agreement with the food and beverage giant PARLE to manufacture, package, distribute and mark et its well-known brands namely FROOTI a popular mango drink, APPY and APPY FIZZ- the in-style apple drinks and BAILEY PACKAGED DRINKING WATER mostly in the eastern parts of India. In late 2010, Parle Agro inked another agreement with Keventer Agro to set up a plant at Barasat. This new unit manufactures Parle Agros snack brand Hippo. Besides manufacturing, Keventer is also responsible for marketing, sales and distribution of Hippo. Parle Agro chose to partner Keventer for their range of food brands which wÑ-ll hà Ã‚ µlÑâ‚ ¬ them to expand Hippos market share in the eastern part of India. Parle Agro: The Company Parle Agro is a household name in the beverages industry and has leading brands like Frooti, Appy, Appy Fizz and packaged drinking water, Bailley. A pioneer in the Indian industry, Parle Agro were the first to introduce fruit drinks in tetra packaging, first to introduce apple nectar and the first to introduce fruit drinks in PET bottles. In 2007, Parle Agro forayed into foods with the launch of two confectionery brands, Mintrox mints and Buttercup candies. This was soon followed by two more brands Buttercup Softease and Softease Mithai. Recent beverage products from Parle Agro include Saint Juice, LMN and Grappo Fizz. In 2009, Parle Agro forayed into snacks with the launch of Hippo, in line with the companys vision of becoming a major player in the foods and beverages industry. The snack brand Hippo, was launched in the western region starting with Maharashtra and then it was soon rolled out nationally. Parle Agro commenced operations in 1984. Starting with only beverages and diver sifying to include bottled water in 1993 and confectionery in 2007. Frooti was the first product that was rolled out of Parle Agro in 1985. It went on to become Indias favourite mango drink. It still has a leading market share. Parle Agro Pvt. Ltd operates under three business vertical Beverages fruit drinks, nectars, 100% Juice, sparkling drinks, Water Packaged Drinking Water and Foods confectionery, snacks Product Industry Overview HIPPO: Parle Agro forayed into snacks with the launch of Hippo, in line with the companys vision of becoming a major player in the foods and beverages industry. Hippo is a toasted bread snack. Its ingredients include wheat flour, edible vegetable oils, seasoning mix, corn starch, sugar, raising agent, milk solids, salt, emulsifier, yeast extract powder, instant yeast. It contains added natural color and added natural identical flavoring substances; but no added MSG, no GMO and no Trans Fat. It comes in two variant; Hippo Munchies and Hippo Round-Round. The Hippo Munchies comes in 7 flavors (Chinese Manchurian, Hot-n-Sweet Tomato, Thai Chilli, Yoghurt Mint Chutney, Italian Pizza, Indian Chatpata and Arabian Salted) and Hippo Round-Round comes in 5 flavors (Punjab Da Pickle, Gujrati Mango Chatni, Shillong Noodle Masala, Goan Butter and Garlic, Firangi Cheese n Spice). It is available in three sizes which are priced at Rs 5, Rs 10 and Rs 20. Industry to which Hippo belongs: Hippo is a player of the snack food industry of India. The Indian snack industry is one of the largest when considered in the global level. With rising standard of living, people are more resorting to snacks items during breakfast, supper or any time; snacks most often take the place of meals. Right from production, using up, export and growth prospects owing to emerging markets, increasing demand, and incorporation of latest technologies, the snack industry in India has witnessed a dramatic change. Ready-to-eat foods, samosas, kachoris, namkeen, chips, are few of the snacks that are most preferred by Indians. Given the rising demand, the snack industry is going to witness further growth in the future. The snacks food industry in India can broadly be categorised into three segments staple (biscuits category), traditional (namkeens) and ready-to-eat packaged snacks (chips / crisps). The snack food market in India is $3 billion; with the organized segment accounting for almost half of the market share and growing at rate of 15 to 20 percent per year. A growing economy, changing lifestyles, rise in disposable incomes and preference for quality products of U.S. origin will continue to fuel growth of imported U.S. snack food items in India. As per an industry estimate, the branded and organized snack food segment dominated by major players such as Frito Lay, Con Agra, Kelloggs, Marico, Dabur, HLL, ITC, Parle, Haldirams, Nestle, Britannia, Cadbury, Bikano and Balaji is estimated to grow by 15 to 20 percent per year; whereas the growth of un-branded snack food is likely to grow modestly at 8 percent per year in the near future. Frito-Lay India led sweet and savory snacks with a retail value share of 46% in 2009. The companys Kurkure, Lehar and Lays Stax offerings have helped it to consolidate its leadership during the year. Haldiram Foods International Ltd and ITC Ltd remained the second and third ranked players respectively. Products like Hippo claim to be made from healthier ingredients than chips/crisps. With Indian consumers becoming more health conscious and more inquisitive about the ingredients in their food, sweet and savory snacks will witness an increase in products which are positioned as better for you and healthier snacks. BAILEY PACKAGED DRINKING WATER: Another product of Parle Agro that is managed by Keventer Agro. It is the first water brand to be issued an ISI certification and the first to launch special four-sided 200ml bottles catering to premium airlines like Jet Airways and British Airways. Bailey is available in 200ml, 300ml, 500ml, 1 ltr. 2 ltr. PET and 5 ltr., 20 ltr., 25 ltr. Jars. The target market is thirsty, hygiene conscious people and Hotel, Restaurant and Cafe (HORECA). Bailey the brand that is owned by Ramesh Chauhans brother Prakash Chauhan is very popular in the southern part of India Industry to which Bailley belongs: Indias bottled water industry is bubbling with a 25-30% growth each year. As the competition heats up, branding will become imperative in the commoditised Rs 1,100 crore market. There are more than 200 bottled water brands in India and among them nearly 80 per cent are local brands. In fact, making bottled water is today a cottage industry in the country. Leaving alone the metros, where a bottled-water manufacturer can be found even in a one-room shop, in every medium and small city and even some prosperous rural areas there are bottled water manufacturers. While India ranks in the top 10 largest bottled water consumers in the world, its per capita per annum consumption of bottled water is estimated to be five litres which is comparatively lower than the global average of 24 litres. Today it is one of Indias fastest growing industrial sectors. Between 1999 and 2004, the Indian bottled water market grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25 per cent the highest in the world. The total annual bottled water consumption in India had tripled to 5 billion liters in 2004 from 1.5 billion liters in 1999. Global consumption of bottled water was nearing 200 billion liters in 2006. The market leader is Bisleri International, which boasts a 40 per cent share. It is followed by Coca- Cocas Kinley (around 25 per cent) and PepsiCos Aquafina (around 10 per cent). The top players in bottled water industry in India are the major international giants like Coca cola, Pepsi, Nestle and noticeable presence of national players like Mount Everest, Manikchand, Kingfisher, Mohan Meakins, SKN Breweries , Indian Railways so on. Almost all major national and international brands have taken a plunge. Parles Bisleri that virtually monopolised the bottled water market is now vying with Nestle, Coca Cola, PepsiCo, Manikchand, UB and Britannia. According to a national-level study, there are close to 200 bottled water brands in India. Nearly 80 per cent of these are local brands. Bottled water is sold in a variety of packages right from 200 ml pouches and glasses, to 330 ml bottles, 500 ml bottles, to one-liter bottles and even 20- to 50-litre bulk water packs. In terms of cost the bottled water business in India can be divided broadly into three segments, premium natural mineral water, natural mineral water and packaged drinking water. BAILLEY SODA: It was first introduced way back in the year of 1998 but due to fierce competition from the local brands it could not sustain in the market. Parle has relaunched its soda. Parle Agro within renewed zeal has again introduced Soda with much better packaging and product. The product has a gas volume of 5.4% V/V of carbon dioxide compared to 4.5% V/V of carbon dioxide which makes it stronger followed by Grenade like label on the bottle. Objectives of the Project For HIPPO To execute a qualitative study on the trend of packaged snack industry To gauge the acceptance of baked and healthy-snacks To understand competitors strategy in the market To study the sales and distribution structure, pricing (both to the retailer and to the consumer) of Hippo and problems in those respected area. To develop marketing strategies for Hippo To analyze the markets and determine the factors responsible for sale of products and provide recommendations about the scope for improvement. To provide a statement of collective responses of the retailersand determine the scope for improvement in the distribution channel for the products and the problems faced by the retailers. To study the pattern of consumer behavior and their awareness towards HIPPO To find out the problems faced by HIPPO if any and suggest solution to address those problems For BAILLEY PACKAGED DRINKING WATER and SODA To find out the potential of bailey packaged drinking water and soda in the market To understand the bargaining power of the company in respect to the product To understand the retailers view about the products To find put the main competitors operating in the market To provide a statement of collective responses of the retailers and determine the scope for improvement in the distribution channel for the products and the problems faced by the retailers. To find out the problems faced by bailey packaged water and soda if any and suggest solution to address those problems To understand the market and suggest ways that would lead to increase in sales for bailey packaged drinking water and soda Project Methodology Primary Research is done through market survey. The research is mainly based on: Questionnaire Method Interview Method Observation Method Secondary Research has also been used as a supporting tool like: Some of the data related to holistic picture of the industry has been gathered from the data available on the internet M A I N T E X T Since the project revolves around two types of products distributed and marketed by Keventer Agro under the license of Parle Agro, work done so far involves both the products Hippo and Bailley packaged drinking water and soda. The initial phase constituted of mainly studying and analyzing the distribution channel of Hippo and doing a market analysis of the product with respect to pricing, competition, brand awareness and consumer behavior of Hippo. As per the objective of the project, two sets of questionnaire were prepared; For the retailer which aimed to assess the availability of Hippo, pricing of Hippo, sales, defect handling and some financial aspect of Hippo viz. its competitors and the other for the consumers. For the consumer which aimed to gauge awareness of the product and the brand, product acceptance, their choice of product and buying pattern. PHASE ONE Refer Annexure I for further details. This phase involved daily visits from the stock point to the designated markets. The markets covered were Salt Lake, Lake Town, S.K. Deb Road Market, Nagerbazar, Mrinalini Cinema Hall Market, New Market, Ultadanga, Kankurgachi, Bagmari, Beadon Street , Aurobindo Road and Vivekananda Road area, Shyambazar, Rajballavpara and Baghbazar. Every shop that kept branded snacks in the respective area was approached. The initial plan was to conduct the survey through questionnaire method but while performing the survey the method had to be changed to schedule, observation and interview method as it was not convenient for the retailers to fill up the questionnaire. Observations through observation method The visibility of Hippo and of competitors product Mode of storing Hippo and competitors i.e. whether it is on shelve or in the basket or inside almirah The location of the store i.e. whether it is beside main road or inside a lane or on a square Type of store Approximate demography Observations through schedule method was based on three perspectives About Hippo: Whether he keeps Hippo or not, if not the reason, its availability, reorder period, quality of defective product handling, margin offered, supply of banners and danglers. About Competitor: The competition brand kept, approximate margin they offer. About the market as a whole: The most selling brand. The interview methodology aimed to gain the intrinsic details of the market functions such as; if the retailers does not keep Hippo would he like to keep it afterward, the credit policy, frequency of visit of sales representative, retailers view on Hippos marketing strategy and scope of improvement. Findings by Area Area: Salt-Lake [KC block, Law College, Opposite of Hyatt Regency and some other places in Salt Lake] Sample size = 12 The distribution in the Salt Lake area is managed by Sonata Distribution. Survey was conducted on those shops where products were supplied by the company. Accompanying sales representative was Mr. Maiti who works for Sonata Distribution. Observations by observation method: The area Opposite of Hyatt is a kind of Slum. It is beside the main road. The area is not so developed. Most of the shops are very small but product visibility is relatively good as they suspend the chain of Hippo on rope supported by a bamboo structure. The area near by The NUJS Law College is quite polished but the shops are mostly of shack kind and are sparsely distributed. The visibility is good since they also suspend the chains of Hippo on the rope supported by a bamboo structure. KC block is quite dormant. Most of the shops are neither small nor large. Some of the shops were inside a residential complex. Observations by Schedule method: Every shop keeps Hippo. The reorder level is about a week. Most of the retailers are extremely satisfied with the supply and availability of Hippo. The product supplied are almost defect free otherwise it is replaced without much hassle. No banner or dangler is supplied to most of the retailers. They are not very satisfied with the margin offered by Hippo. The demand for Hippo is neither too high nor too low. Small pack of Goan Butter and Garlic flavor sells the most. Few retailers are aware of the fact that Hippo is baked and not fried but none of the retailers pitch it while selling. Competitive brands are Lays, Kur-kure, Cheetos, Zengo, Kids Fun, Bingo. Bingo provides highest margin while Lays is the most selling brand. Observations by interview method: Some of the retailers demanded for hanger as they were finding it difficult to store the product. Other information: Retailer Scheme: With 12 pieces (a chain) of small pack Hippo, a small pack of Hippo is free With 18 pieces of medium pack Hippo, a 200ml Tetra pack Frooti is free With 34 pieces of medium pack of Hippo, two 200ml Tetra pack Frooti is free The sales representative (Mr. Maiti) shares a very good relationship with the retailers. The retailers respect him and trust him which is a prime requisite for the last mile distribution. Mode of transport: Light Commercial Vehicle (Auto). Area: From Nager Bazar towards Airport Gate no 1 Sample size = 12 The distribution in the Nager Bazar area is managed by Dazzle Infotech. It is a new distribution house. Earlier the distribution was done by some other house. The reason behind the change is that, the earlier distributor could not perform. Survey was conducted on those shops where products were supplied by the company. Accompanying sales representative was Mr. Sukalpa who works for Dazzle Infotech Observations by observation method: Proper Nagerbazar is quite busy but while moving towards Airport Gate no 1, the area became quieter and less developed. Factories like Jessop Coach Works, Ordnance factory, His Masters Voice(HMV) lies on the area of research. Most of the shops in the proper Nagerbazar area are neither large nor small but the shops towards airport gate no 1 were smaller and some were of the kind of shack. Product visibility is not so as very few hangers have been supplied by the Keventer. However some shops manage to display Hippo by using competitors hanger. Observations by Schedule method: Most of the shops keep Hippo. The reorder level is about a week. All the retailers are extremely satisfied with the supply and availability of Hippo. The products supplied are mostly defect free otherwise it is replaced without much hassle. No banner or dangler is supplied to most of the retailers. They are not very satisfied with the margin offered by Hippo. The demand for Hippo is on the upper crest. Small pack of Punjab Da Pickle flavor sells the most. Few retailers are aware of the fact that Hippo is baked and not fried but none of the retailers pitch it while selling. Competition brands are Lays, Kur-kure, Cheetos, Bingo, Mukhorochok Potato Chips, Lehar, Haldirams, Parle (Products). Lays provides highest margin and is the most selling brand. Observations by interview method Most of the retailers demanded for hanger as they were finding it difficult to display the product. A product lot, that was supplied about six months before was defective. It has had a negative impact on the brand image and perception of Hippo among the retailers. Some retailers complained about defective products that were supplied by the earlier distributor were not replaced. Retailers are quite confused of multiple distributor, multiple division policy. Most of the retailers were seeking for credit policy and some of them even said that if credit policy is not made available then it would be difficult for them to sell Hippo anymore. Other information: Retailer Scheme: With 12 pieces (a chain) of small pack Hippo, a small pack of Hippo is free With 18 pieces of medium pack Hippo, a 200ml Tetra pack Frooti is free With 34 pieces of medium pack of Hippo, two 200ml Tetra pack Frooti is free The sales representative (Mr. Sukalpa) is very hard-working but straight. He is not allowed to go beyond the schemes as per the order of his firms proprietor, Mr.Saikat Das. The proprietor believes that if retailers are supplied beyond the schemes provided, then it would work initially but in the long run it would dilute the brand bargaining power. Mode of transport: Van rickshaw Area: Lake Town Sample size = 11 The distribution in the Lake Town area is managed by JDP Enterprise. Survey was conducted on all the shops that kept branded snacks. No accompanying sales representative was present with us. Observations by observation method: Lake town is quite busy and is a considerably a large market. The area has school, movie theater, departmental stores, large branded showroom etc. Most of the shops in the Lake Town area are on larger side but shops towards S K Deb lane were smaller. S K Deb lane also had a fish market sort of market. Product visibility is very good for competitors brand. Parle Chips can be found outside every shop with very good product arrangement and orientation. Observations by Schedule method: Only 27% of the sample keeps Hippo and 36% of the sample used to keep Hippo. The reorder level is about a week. All the retailers are more or less satisfied with the supply and availability of Hippo. The products supplied are mostly defect free otherwise it is replaced without much hassle. No banner or dangler is supplied to any of the retailers. They are not satisfied with the margin offered by Hippo. The demand for Hippo was initially high but currently it is low. Small pack of Punjab Da Pickle and Gujrati Mango Chutney flavor sells the most. Only 27% retailers are aware of the fact that Hippo is baked and not fried and none of the retailers pitch it while selling. Competition brands are Lays, Kur-kure, Cheetos, Bingo, Haldirams, Parle (Products), Apna, Pogo. Lays provides highest margin and is the most selling brand. Observations by interview method Most of the retailers demanded for hanger as they were finding it difficult to display the product. A product lot, that was supplied about six months before was defective. It has had a negative impact on the brand image and perception of Hippo among the retailers. Some retailers complained about defective products that were supplied by the earlier distributor were not replaced. Credit facility is provided to some of the select retailers. One of the shop doesnt keep Hippo because the opposite shop gets credit facility but he does not. It hampers the morale of the retailer. Most of the retailer said that nobody demands for Hippo. They would only keep Hippo when its market become stable. Many of the retailers said that nobody approached from the Company( Keventer). Out of 36% of retailers who use to keep Hippo, many of the retailers said that they does not keep Hippo because of its low sales. Area: New Market Sample size = 17 The distribution in the Lake Town area is managed by Haji Enterprise. Survey was conducted on all the shops that kept branded snacks. No accompanying sales representative was present with us. Observations by observation method: New market is one of the most popular markets of Kolkata. It is mostly dominated by hawkers but one can find any segment of shops starting from branded franchise, mall, large retail and even grey/black market peddler. As it is not a residential area, snacks are usually bought by impulse. As most of the shops are small, their shelve space is limited. So they keep the most selling brands on the shelve. Moreover competitor brands flood their product in to their shelve leaving no space for Hippo. Observations by Schedule method: None of the shops keep Hippo currently. However 35% of the shops use to keep Hippo previously. 47% of the shops were not approached by Keventer. Some of the shops that use to keep Hippo earlier had reorder period of about a week and some a month. Retailers are not at all satisfied with the supply of Hippo. Some of the products that were supplied earlier had defect and were not replaced properly. No banner or dangler is supplied to any of the retailers. They are not satisfied with the margin offered by Hippo. The demand for Hippo was always low. The most selling flavor could not be gauged. Only one of the retailers was aware of the fact that Hippo is baked and not fried but he did not pitch it while selling. Competition brands are Lays, Kur-kure, Cheetos, Bingo, Haldirams, Peppy. Lays provides highest margin and is the most selling brand. Observations by interview method Few retailers are ready to keep Hippo if approached by the company. Supply has been halted for six months during the transition period of distributor re-appointment. Some retailers complained of poor quality product. Credit facility was not provided to any of the retailers. Most of the retailers would keep Hippo after the product is demanded by consumers. Out of 35% of retailers who use to keep Hippo, some of the retailers said that they does not keep Hippo because of its low sales and some said nobody came from the company after one or two consignments i.e. no follow up. Area: Ultadanga, Bagmari, Kankurgachi and Murari Pukur Sample size = 25 The distribution in the Lake Town area is managed by Sree Laxmi Distributor. Survey was conducted on all the shops that kept branded snacks. No accompanying sales representative was present with us. Observations by observation method: Proper Ultadanga and Kankurgachi is very busy with lines of shops of different sizes. Most of the shops are on the larger side. The market is very developed. Many offices and residential complexes are present in Ultadanga, Kankurgachi area. They are prime location and connects to different parts of Kolkata. However Bagmari has a slum and Murari Pukur is not so developed. Visibility of the product in the shops are good in all the areas. However Observations by Schedule method: Only 16% of the shops keep Hippo currently. However 32% of the shops use to keep Hippo previously. Some of the shops that use to keep Hippo earlier had reorder period of about a week and some a month. Most of the retailers are not at all satisfied with the supply of Hippo. Some of the products had defect and were not replaced properly. No banner or dangler is supplied to any of the retailers. They are not satisfied with the margin offered by Hippo. The demand for Hippo was on the upper side. Most selling flavor is Punjab Da Pickle. Very few retailers were aware of the nutrition fact of Hippo but none of the pitch it while selling it. Competition brands are Lays, Kur-kure, Cheetos, Bingo, Haldirams, Peppy, Pik-Nik, Timbakto, Ringa-Ring, Simba and local pouched snacks. Lays provides highest margin and is the most selling brand. Observations by interview method Few retailers are ready to keep Hippo if approached by the company. Supply has been halted for some couple of months. The reason is not known. Many of the retailers does not keep Hippo because of the competition brand that floods their product into the shelve, leaving no shelve space for Hippo. One of the retailer said that he does not keep Hippo because the sales representative was rude to him. Some of the retailer said that they might keep Hippo if they are being supplied by rack and basket because of both; lack of space and trouble created by mice. Credit facility was not provided to any of the retailers. Many of the shops were never approached by the company. In those shops when asked if they interested to keep Hippo, most of them had a positive gesture. Area: Shyambazar and its neighboring areas Sample size = 53 The distribution in the Lake Town area is managed by Baba Taraknath Agency. Survey was conducted on all the shops that kept branded snacks. No accompanying sales representative was present with us. Observations by observation method: The area is very clean and organized with wide roads and greenery. The area has a touch of tradition and is one of the oldest modest areas of Kolkata. The kiosks of the shops are small but has a greater depth. The area is not that busy but lively. The shopkeepers are very well-behaved and some of them even offered some valuable suggestions. The area has got everything starting from school, movie theater, pilgrimage etc. Shops with local pouched snacks as sole product can be found. Pogo Chips has good penetration and is visible in many shops. Observations by Schedule method: 47% of the shops keep Hippo currently. However 20% of the shops use to keep Hippo previously. There is nothing definite about the reorder period the shops. For some shop the reorder peroid is a week, some fortnight and some even a month Most of the retailers are quite satisfied with the supply of Hippo. Some of the products had defect and were not replaced properly. No banner or dangler is supplied to most of the retailers. Only 1 shop had a rack. They are not satisfied with the margin offered by Hippo. The demand for Hippo was on the lower side. Most selling flavor is Punjab Da Pickle. Considerably more retailers are aware of the nutrition fact of Hippo but none of the pitch it while selling it. Competition brands are Lays, Kur-kure, Cheetos, Bingo, Haldirams, Pogo, Nabadeep, Apna, Max-G, Tofo, Keka, Mukhorochok, Pringle, Tofo, Sony, Timbakto, Zeng and local pouched snacks. Local pouched snack and Pogo provides highest margin but Lays is the most selling brand. Observations by interview method They said the schemes provided by Lays is better. Lays has scheme that if they can sell Frito-Lay product of Rs 10000/month then they would get cash rebate on further purchase and gifts. Some said that the Hippo as a product is poor. Its just a toasted bread sprinkled with spices. Its wont suffice upto the expectation and taste of the consumer The sell goes up when the schools are open. Most of them complained about the cash policy of Hippo. One of the retailer said that his shelve space is limited and he would only the best selling products and more-over Hippo doesnt provide either great margin or credit facility and moreover nobody demands for it. So he doesnt find it feasible to keep Hippo.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Cultural Analysis Of “Little Selves” Essay

Every story that has ever been written has some aspect that is relevant to the time period the story was written in. Published in 1916, â€Å"Little Selves† is entwined with the past issues pertaining to the surge in immigration, namely the Irish immigrant life. The cultural issue of the importance of one’s heritage manifests itself throughout the story and drives the story in the end. Although the issue isn’t entirely unique for the time period, the story remains to be a good reflection of the Irish culture during the early 20th Century. The early 1900’s were a time of change for most Irish folk. Many of them were immigrating over to America in search of a better life, but for many of the immigrants, there was a lingering feeling of loss. Many Irish-Americans felt that their heritage was on the brink of extinction since those few who could remember their homeland were slowly perishing as the days went on. Their cultural heritage gained more and more importance after it started to fade from the memories of all with Irish blood. This cultural aspect is portrayed in the character Margaret O’Brien, the elderly woman lying on her deathbed in the hospital. See more: Recruitment and selection process essay She too is worried about the fading memories, for there’s â€Å"nobody but me left to remember, and soon there’ll not even be that† (16). All of her friends come to pay their last respects, but end up leaving troubled for they don’t understand her murmuring dilemma. Margaret never explains her predicament to her new American friends for they are all â€Å"outside the magic circle of comprehension† (17), that is until her niece Anna shows up and vows to remember all events of Margaret’s past. Finally, the old lady could die peacefully knowing that her heritage remains in the mind of her kin, just as every Irish immigrant had probably wished for. The culture issue is the main, dominating subject of the story, but that isn’t to say it drives the entire story. In the beginnings of â€Å"Little Selves†, the reader is left wondering what the old woman is yearning for under her breath, for â€Å"her attention wandered; her replies became cryptic† (7). It is this uncertainty that drives the story and the reader towards the end, but once the niece finds out about Margaret’s story of the red coat, the attention of the reader is geared towards the relevance of the story. At  this point in â€Å"Little Selves†, the driving force is shifted to the dilemma of the fading memories of the Irish heritage, or the memory of the red coat, which was just another piece to the puzzle that was Margaret’s life in Ireland. This cultural topic is unique for its time only because it was more prevalent to many Irish-Americans in the early 1900’s than it is today. There are not as many Irish immigrants today as there was during the early 20th Century, and for those Americans with Irish ancestors, there has been almost an entire century to adapt and adjust to the separation from the homeland heritage. Still, many fathers and mothers of Irish blood probably get around to telling their sons and daughters about the stories of Ireland that were handed down by their fathers, and all the way back to the first family members that came over from Ireland, just as Margaret described her own memories to her niece.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Can India Become a Superpower Essay

Can India become a Superpower? The question is common and comes in evey mind, the topic is everlasting and in limeline. For being a superpower a country must have to solve his external and internal conflicts,its true that no country an become a superpower if ts not a developed one and india has yet to devlope andcan be said as an emerging power. Walking on this path is not so smooth you will find thorns that make you lame and sometimes huge rocks are ready to crush you so as India is facing it in this present senario (courption and repeatedly millitant attacks). India: A brief discription India so called as democratic country struggling to become a developed country has got a vast heritage. The overall population of India is 1.2 billion in 2013 and according to survey it will be going to become 1.4 billion in 2025 and in 2050 it will become 1.6 billion. Putting some light on political arena, Indian constitution has parliamentary system, multiparty system, liberal and conservatives. But it doesnt matter what rights we have there in our constitution because all are violated either by us or by governmennt, cant blame on a particular society or league of people. Now, the question comes, why it is not so easy to become a superpower, even we have proved ourself in every section of development? It is not so significant either you have taken your first steps in every section of development but it mainly depends on the factors that converts a country from developing to a developed country. Historical mistakes India has suffered a lot and yet it is suffering from illness, in historical time illness was that we were always being ruptured by foreign invaders Mughals, Englishmen, Portugese etc. The reason was our weakness because at that time trading were made on a large scale and to fullfill our needs manual manufacturing starts declining and industrial revolution take place which was the father of modern history and guess who was the mother none other than renissance that is â€Å"re birth†. Re birth of rationalism so the people of India were divided in many parts and didnt accept this change, now we are facing a big problem as at that time we belive in rituals not on reasons. The reason was, we were not united and till now we are facing the same problem of unity. Internal conflicts As disscused above the first problem we face is † Being a united nation but not a united one† that is, we say that India is a secular country, every one can follow his/her religion and yes we are enjoying it alot but somehow religion has divided us. The best example, RESERVATION, it is boldly mark because the worst thing to face and to fight, its quite similar to a railway reservation, for that you have to wait for your call, but it never comes because the middle man has reserved all the tickets for journey, here the middle man are bureaucrats. And on other hand the politicians are using it as a weapon to fill their vote banks, the manner, is giving reservation on the bases of religion and earning votes according to it. They alone can’t be blame because its we who support them for our own cause. Not only reservation there are many problems like Hindu Muslim conflict, telangana case, diffrent language (yes its also a cause for not being united) et c are also responsible and wrtting on this will take a lot pages and suffcient time. External conflicts India is surrounded by lot many neighbours like Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, China, Bangladesh, Afganistan and Sri Lanka. India Has bilatreal relation with all its neighbours and trying to maintain it but if we talk about Pakistan one of the oldest enemy of India causing a lot trouble supported by China. Recently there was a heavy load of firing in Poonch, Kashmir after PAK elects its Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif who promised to solve problems with India regarding there relation. If we recall our memory Sri Lanka used to say that the LTTE is supported by India to break them. So its quite clear even though we have bilateral relation with our neighbours, we are facing a sense of rebel from there side. Terrorism One of the most significant problem faced by India which is restraining it to become a super power. The word terrorism always recall us Kargil war(1999), 26/11 mumbai attack, Dantewada tragedy and recently the attack on congressmen, not only this a lot many more attacks we have faced. PAK millitants has threaten so called heaven Kashmir anad on eastern side and central part Naxalites responsible for killing innocent people. Naxalites are considerd as terrorist organisation after Unlawfull Activites (Prevention) Act 1967 and also a most dangerous internal threat. Terrorism does not posses any shape, size, face, religion or community it is only to threaten people with gun power. Courption Last but not the least courption one of the major threat which is rotening our admistrative system from inside getting us weak and if we are weak than its only a dream to become a superpower. It adversly effects our economy. No particular person is responsible for it we all are responsible for it. All those scam like 2g colgate and CWG has an immense effect on our GDP rate,4.7% fourth quatqer of 2013 from 6.2% according to 2011-12 fiscal, which make us to count on Hindu rate of growth that is slow rate of growt. The above mention are some of the significant cause apart from others, which are blocking India to become a superpower. No doubt its true that after independence we have raised ourself to a better level in the feild of science, tourism, culture etc, but the goal is far away to achive and presently India is emerging as a superpower.